
A solution for working parents to balance working and home parenting during quarantine, by offering high quality activities for kids to play alone. (1).gif


Team size: 5

My role: researcher, sketching, prototyping, visual design

Tool: Figma

Duration: 1 month




During the situation of global pandemic, multiple aspects in our life are changed by the need to stay at home. The long existing problem — home parenting is brought to a new level of seriousness. In quarantine life, most parents not only need to work remotely to make their life, but also need to take care of the health and the school work of their kids, which makes the time during pandemic even more frustrating.


Based on thorough research and iteration, my team designed KidDo app, which provides parents a community to share quality activities for their kids to play alone, or with them during their spare time, and to learn from those activities.



Group 281 (1).png

When the global circumstance about COVID-19 gets more and more serious, all areas in the United States are less or more affected by the pandemic. COVID-19 has seriously changed our life, and we could face all kinds of problems raised by this change in society.

By carefully researching the change in searching frequency of several keywords on Google, our team concluded 4 main difficulties in our pandemic life.

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After listing all possible solutions we could come up with for the four difficulties, Our team decided on solving the specific problem of home-parenting. While home parenting is made a hot topic by the pandemic, its searching trend was steadily high compared with other hot topics -- it is a long term problem.


Understand Our Users


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To get a deeper understanding of the pain points in home parenting, our team distributed a questionnaire, and received responses from 38 parents in two age ranges.

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 To get access to personal experience on home parenting, we interviewed 4 actual fathers/mothers around the world.

Group 293 (2).png

Pain Points

Carefully analyzed our questionnaire and interview, our team concluded 3 major pain points in home parenting our App intends to solve.

Group 294.png


Basing on the information we got from research, our team specified all problems and user needs into 2 personas as our guide in future design:

Group 282 (1).png
Group 283 (2).png


We also created a storyboard to specify the use case and to help us strictly follow what we intend to do.

Group 185 1.png

Then, we interviewed 5 design students for their opinions on our storyboard, and got several valuable suggestions from them:

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Based on their suggestions, we iterated our storyboard:

Group 186 1.png

Competitor Analysis

Frame 9 (1) 1 (1).png
Group 284 (1).png

Design & Iteration

System Flow Chart

Group 297 (1).png



Low-Fidelity Prototype

Group 298 (1).png

1st Usability Test

To test the usability of our low-fidelity prototype, we did user tests on 5 design students, and received several valuable responses from them.

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High-Fidelity Prototype

Group 302.png

2nd Usability Test

To make sure the quality of our final design, we did a second user test on 3 actual parents and got several valuable feedbacks from them.

Group 311 (1).png

Final Design

MOCKUP_Phones 1.png
Group 272 (2) 1.png
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Style Guide

Group 146.png



Explore Activities (2).gif

Filtering (3).gif

Enjoy & Rate (4).gif


Manage Your Profile (5).gif


Manage Bookmarks (6).gif


Share with Community (7).gif


Learn More About Us & Contact with Us (8).gif

After Light Off (Interactive Installation)