
An arcade game design inspired by Carl Jung’s theory of personality. (15).gif



Team Size: personal project

My Role: researcher, sketching, prototyping, visual design

Tools Used: Figma, Adobe After Effect

Duration: 2 weeks


Why I Designed This

During my study in college, I found I often have to spend an hour or more reading relative articles to understand only one theory. For most of the time, I couldn’t understand a theory because I failed to find an example in my life to apply that theory. Therefore, I came up with the idea to embed a theory in a game to deliver the theory together with an example which players could interact with and experience.



Group 299.png
Group 12.png

After I learned about the idea of Persona from my psychology course, I found it a great idea to be expressed in the form of a game. The interaction between the persona, the consciousness, and the shadow can build an exciting game mechanism -- it helps us to fit in the society while eroding our true personality.



To give my design a certain direction, I draw a storyboard about Mark’s day with persona, and his real thoughts without persona.

Group 25 1.png




 After brainstorming about the relationship between “Persona”, “Consciousness”, and “Shadow”, I found the fast pace of arcade games is the best to express the high frequency in changing personas and decided to use the change of color and emotion to represent the change of persona.


Referenced Games

After I found a certain direction for my design, I started searching for relative games, and learned from them, which helped me in deciding the artistic style and mechanism of my game.

referenced game.png


To assist my future design, I sketched out several pictures to remind me of the main mechanism and screen layout.

Group 301 (1).png

Main Interaction:


System Flow Chart

image 21.png


Group 151.png


When designing the elements in the game, I wanted to immerse my players into the experience of “Mark” through first-person perspective. Therefore, I used the simplest line & dot for main character’s emotion in order to depict the falsity of his own emotion through Mark’s eye, and used real-world emotions as reference for public balls’ emotion to depict the veracity of others’ emotion through Mark’s eye.

Group 312.png

Final Outcome


Gaming Experience

Core Mechanism

 Keep switching outer layer color to fit into other balls, while collecting white ball to avoid being overwhelmed by dark inner layer.



Group 313.png

Representations & Explanation

Group 314.png



Accessibility Actionable Guide (UI/UX Research)


A. Friend (Media Production)